Professionally Cleaning Rugs is a Must with Pets
We love them, care for them as family, and have them share our homes with us. Pets are an integral part of many of our lives. Though they are adored, we still must remember that our animals shed fur and skin dander, clean themselves, drool, transport other living things, get muddy paws, and have an occasional accident. To protect them, the rest of the family, and your rugs, it is recommended that pet owners have their rugs professionally cleaned twice a year. The most effective cleaning, deep down cleaning, is a professional steam clean to defend against allergens, dust, bacteria, mold, odors, poor air quality, and much more.
Pets spend the majority of their lives on our floors and rugs, and floors and rugs are impacted because of that. We accept this as pet owners, but we also need to respond appropriately to preserve the life of our rugs and flooring. Regular vacuuming and sweeping can take care of the day-to-day, but it is not always the day-to-day that needs to be remedied.
Upset stomachs, fur balls, incontinence, and accidents all happen with pets and need to be addressed. Urine, like any liquid on a carpet, gets absorbed by fibers and works its way into and through the backing of rugs. Excrement and throw up can work its way into the fiber of rug and be difficult to completely remove. Regular professional rug cleaning tackle these issues.
Pets just don’t shed fur. Even well-groomed and short-haired pets slough dander and the dirt of creatures that crawl or hop on them. A pet’s body and fur oils, as well as odors, become deposited deep in carpet fibers as they roll around or just lay on a rug. Pets also inadvertently track in the house whatever they may have walked though when outside. It is estimated that having a pet in your home can increase the soiling of rugs and other flooring tenfold. The result are rugs and flooring that looks worn and dirty. Though regular vacuuming helps, a professional rug cleaning captures more of the dirt and dander.
If you’re a pet owner, contact Rug Cleaning of Lafayette to discuss your rug cleaning needs.